Cloudberry is listed on the stock exchange in a regulated industry, undergoing continuous evaluation based on performance, business practices, and ethics, inspiring continuous improvement.

Governing Bodies
- The Board and the Management Team constitute the company's governing bodies.
- Corporate governance guidelines align with the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance for listed companies in Norway.
- Cloudberry reports on compliance with this recommendation in the Corporate Governance Report 2022 and Annual Report.
Corporate Governance Report 2022 and in Cloudberry`s Annual Report.

Corporate governance and management
- High standards for corporate governance.
- Integrating our ESG goals (environmental, social, and corporate governance) throughout the value chain.
- Guidelines for investment decisions that consider a broad range of ESG criteria.
- ESG committee. The purpose of the committee is to ensure alignment with the company`s sustainability strategy and to discuss and evaluate ESG concerns relevant to Cloudberry.

Whistleblowing is a positive practice.
Whistleblowing involves reporting unethical or wrongful practices within the company to someone who can address them. Whistleblowing is beneficial both for the company and for society because it allows for the correction of wrongdoing. Individuals willing to blow the whistle are valuable assets to us.
To notify misconduct within the Cloudberry Group, access the Reporting Channel Whistleblowing.You may read our Whistleblowing Policy here
Read more about our sustainability approach, priorities, and achievements in our annual Sustainability Report.